There’s 20E available in OCM Small Grants in Season 1! Submission to OCM Small grants can be done in a few simple steps and is complementary to OCM Prop House!

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  1. You must sign up for Proxy. You can sign up by clicking the top right button to Log In on this page:
  2. Make sure you are logged in before continuing the steps below. If you own an OCM or Karma, it’s recommended to also verify your NFT ownership at the bottom of Profile > Settings for the best experience.

Submitting a Proposal

  1. To submit a proposal, first navigate to the OnChainMonkey community. If you connected a wallet with your OCM or Karma holdings, you should always be able to find this community on the left sidebar. If not, you can always find OCM through the search bar at the top of the page.

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  1. Navigate to the Small Grants Page using the left navigation panel.

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  1. Tap the Submit New button at the top right of the page to bring up the Posting page. Please write as much as you can about your proposal. You can also attach images by copy and pasting URLs into the form.

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  2. Please answer all of the prefilled questions within the form.

    <aside> 👉 Please answer all of the questions below in your proposal.

  3. Please also include your Discord ID and your wallet address at the bottom of the form.

    <aside> 👉 Discord ID: justinhuang#0001 Wallet Address: 0x0cc9235b6a16d2b6F05Bd069bb5a74E1Ed93aCf4


  4. Once you post your Proposal, you’ll notice it go into the Submitted section. The Small Grants Committee will review your proposal and discuss with you any potential next steps.

If you need any help or run into any issues, please always feel free to reach out for help on our Proxy Community #general chat or on our Discord (